Monday, October 15, 2007

Are You Ready for This? I know you've been waiting...

This is the bathroom you see when you first walk in the door. The window doesnt close so as we move towards winter, the bathroom can get quite chilly. There is also a subway map as a curtain so people can not see us showering. Classy...I know.Now we move towards the kitchen/living room/family room/study. It is hard to get a feel for how small this common area really is, so trust me, it's small.

The couch, television, and kitchen are all within 5 feet of each other. There is soooo much room.
This is my room. Sorry mom, try not to cringe. It's not dirty...just messy. You know.

This is Jacob's room. Very nice.

Note the blowup mattress which I think is much better than my actual mattress.
Feel free to post questions about our wonderful living arrangements!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan it's Hugh,
Your appartment looks well quaint? probably smaller than Hazel's tent at lake flaccid. I wanted to ask, how many rooms could you be in simultaneously while lying down? as if harrison's were a unit of measurement.

Anonymous said...

This apartment looks big for New York!

Daniel said...

It is big by New York standards but pretty normal for Brooklyn. For the same amount of money we could get a very small room in Manhattan!